After reading the amount of ‘papers’ and fans of so called big teams whining on anout our crowds, you have to ask – why the fixation. Surely the measure of the team is how many points they gain in the league isn’t it, and as far as I can tell you don’t get extra goals or points for having more fans on the terracing.
The uneducated ravings of the Guardian and the Express this week really got my goat and it is irrational as I don’t care. I boiled it down to the fact that it is because of the lack of research and laziness in the ‘pieces’ that was annoying, not the fact that they were having a go.
Any way it was a breath of fresh air that a journo at the Daily Mail had the balls to break from the fad of slating us to actually take the time and do a bit of digging – and do you know what, he actually found that Latics attendances were actaully quite amazing, rising by 16,000 in just 15 years, 10,000 in the last ten years, I don’t know how to do links but there is a write about it on Cockney Latic